My life began with a prophecy or warning depending which side you were looking from at the time.   My mother, a very naïve and inexperienced girl despite having already given birth to two girls had no idea that she was even with child, let alone this particular. Both previous girls had been born in hospital, the first Maureen, stillborn after a fall from a bus, the second with great difficulty and she was under some drug therapy.

On meeting up with her Aunt Maggie she was given this exciting or frightening piece of information – “you carry a girl child……born out of time…who will be birthed before time and ahead of the twin brother by many years. She is a child of time – through time.   She will wed not of our people (shock horror!) She will divorce (second shock horror) She will travel over many seas and travel the roads of a strange land as if it were her own She will remarry (shock number three) to a man who has travelled the same path in life as she and has had the same losses and sadness – they will share equal sorrows and joys.   The world will know her name before she comes to her rest.

Well that should have sent her running to the doctor to get rid of the curse or blessing but no she did not believe a word of it at least not until six weeks later when a stomach upset became labour and the evidence arrived.   It was estimated she was in her seventh month, alone she delivered the child in the exact spot she herself first drew breath, a bit scary when the father finally arrived home to the tent in a field – I was washed dressed and had plaits no less.   The spot was incredibly beautiful, in Wales overlooking the ocean and surrounded by ferns and oh yes snakes! A stone circle stood not far away and was visible day and moonlit nights.

Six weeks into life and I would not stop screaming, sounds familiar, again Aunt Maggie to the rescue – they were out hawking pegs and flowers.   When Maggie directed my mother to a house telling her that the man in there would be able to save the brats life as luck or providence would have it a Dr Llewellyn was visiting there and he was dappling in micro surgery, he diagnosed mastoid, which is not supposed to occur until about 5 years old.   He said I had been born with it and would have died if I had come to term. He went ahead and I was the experiment, the rest is history.

Of the Prophecy I was born early, travelled to Australia, my twin, my dear brother Michael was born eight years later – we were mirror images.   I even had the not so good pleasure of knowing when he was making love or lust.   I married an Aussie, not rom.  Divorced!

Remarried John who grew up in Scotland in almost the same poverty as us and we both lost brothers in road accidents. We were in the same place at the same time but did not meet until 1989 both mothers passed with cancer and the sameness continues I do travel all over this State and will probably end up all over the Country if the universe has it’s way.   My aim in this lifetime is to bring the room teachings into general use to enable the uncertainty to end – to share and open the eyes of those who will see so that yet another earth tribe knowledge will be a sharing.

I have been blessed in this living space but I am aware that I carry a two edged sword.

Maggie has been featured in the follwing media publications and radio stations in Australia and overseas -

Perth Western Australia Community Newspapers | Advocate | Canning Times |Comment News | Eastern Reporter | Cockburn Gazette |Guardian Express | Hills Gazette | Avon Valley Gazette |Joondalup | Wanneroo Times | Mandurah Coastal Times | Pinjarra Murray Times | Melville Times | Kalamunda Reporter |North Coast Times  Southern Gazette   Stirling Times Weekender | Kwinana Courier | Western Suburbs Weekly | Kimberley Times
Geraldton Guardian  : Monthly psychic column | Margaret River Times :Monthly articles | Universal Mind Magazine – Monthly channelled readings
Carnarvan Classies : Weekly astrology readings | Pashaa Magazine – Angel Readings
Radio West Hot FM: Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Northam, Katanning, Bunbury, Albany
ABC  RADIO : Geraldton and Perth | Karratha radio: interviews and footie tipping
Geraldton Spirit Radio: interview and regular appearances | Kyle and Jackie O SHOW | Triple M Adelaide
Joondalup community radio | Tasmania community radio |Radio West : Ballarat and Wagga Wagga